Jesus established the church as His body, the agent of His kingdom on earth. His ongoing work is carried out in and through the church, by His Spirit and the actions of each member. He is the head, and we are the body, with each having a part to play. Whatever its failings over 2,000 years, and there have been many, Jesus loves His church - it’s His bride, which He's preparing, to make her pure and spotless. He prayed that His followers would be one together, just as He is one with the Father and the Spirit.

As we pursue Jesus together, He draws out in each of us the special gift that we are to each other, teaching us to live as a community of faith and hope, a beacon of His love for the earth.

There are many aspects to church life, as each person and each group of believers finds their place within Jesus’ plan.

The church is a family, a hospital, a school, and an army

– John Wimber

As a family, we support one other in loving community, each humbly serving the others, providing a safe place for openness and relationship. It’s Jesus’ love shared within our family that grounds and centres the outworking of healing, training and advancing Jesus’ kingdom. In the family, each one is welcomed and encouraged to contribute to the community’s life, according to their unique gifts.

Perhaps you’re looking for a family, for where you fit, or maybe you’ve been hurt by someone in a church. Either way, we invite you to walk together with us towards Jesus, to find your heart’s home and life's purpose. We’d love to help you on that journey, answer your questions, and help you find where you belong, even if it’s not with us! Contact us to chat about you and “church."

Our church family's journey is one of shared life and purpose. If you're part of our community, explore our shared resources and experiences by clicking here.

Our church is one small part of the body of Christ around the world, with many churches of different “flavours." Although independent, we value relationship with those nearer and further afield.

We're affiliated with Connexions International, a relational network of independent charismatic churches.